October 2023
In the picturesque Dunnigan Hills of California, Cobram Estate is redefining the art of 100 % California extra virgin olive oil production. Over the years Cobram Estate has garnered acclaim with several dozen international awards for quality and health. Choose again and again for its rich flavor profile and versatility in the kitchen, Cobram Estate remains a favorite among chefs and home cooks alike.
During a recent visit, Good Day Sacramento’s Molly Riehl ventured to the heart of Cobram Estate’s newest grove located in Dunnigan Hills to learn more about what Cobram has been up to over the last year. Joined by Cobram Estate Chief Olive Oil Maker and Co CEO Leandro Ravetti, Riehl was able to get a first hand look at how Cobram Estate has become a global leader in the EVOO industry a marketplace. .